Helpfull public API

πŸ€– API Reference

Our public API is simplified compared to what you can achieve with our visual Test Builder. We highly recommend to check our Test Builder first in order to get acquainted with the vizualized process of Test creation. You can do it inside our application or at without registration.

The API allows you to:

  • Run a Test
  • Retrieve a Test
  • Get a list of all Test participants responses

You may find detailed explanations for each endpoint at the API Documentation.

πŸ— API key

Our API is available only for teams on a Professional plan.
When subscribed, you will find your API key at your Profile:


API key location

πŸ‘‹πŸ» Contact Us

If you need more complex Test configurations, have any questions regarding our public API or just want to chat please feel free to contact us.

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